Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tutorial 2 - Digital Camera use and applications

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature." Despite advancements in new technology, they don't always out do the old technology in every way. With it will come some benefits but also some consequences. With digital cameras you need a lot more equipment than you did with old film cameras. You now need, cables, batteries, memory cards, printer, ink, and a computer. It is therefore dependent on other technology. Storage is also an issue. Having all the photos on a computer can mean that all could be lost easily when the computer breaks down. Even if backed up on CD's, these also have a life span of approximately 15 years. Through the advancement from film cameras the element of surprise is also lost because images can be seen straight away once taken. The positive thing about digital cameras is that the information can be sent back and forth relatively quick, hence instant, transferable and images can also be edited.

There are several ways in which digital images can be stored, transferred and manipulated using other communication technology. For example, images can be stored on computers and sent to other people over the internet using email systems or social network systems. Other programs such as photoshop can be used to manipulate and edit photos.

Given the prevalence of image capturing devices there are several ethical issues that may arise around their use. The need for informed consent is important to protect the subject or the subject owner's privacy. Because image capturing devices can be made very small these days, images can be taken without one's knowledge. The issue around storage is also important to consider. Who has access to the photos? Bearing in mind that images can be easily manipulated by is also another important issue to keep in mind.

Digital images could, or are being used in the Occupational Therapy practice for many reasons. Community OT's use a digital camera when doing home visits, especially when doing housing modifications so that therapists can take the images back to the office to review them and develop plans. Saves time for both the therapist and the client. Images are used for staff identification badges so that people can recognise the person as a member of staff and had accreditation. allows you to upload photos for free into an account which you can share with others.
You can also create a link to flickr through blogs such as this, to take the readers to your photo collection.

Photobucket is another photo storage website which offers similar services to

There is a significant difference between a digital zoom and an optical zoom.
Optical Zoom - the lens changes focal length and magnification as it is zoomed. Image quality stays high throughout the zoom range.
Digital Zoom - Crops the image to a smaller size, then enlarges the cropped portion to fill the frame again. Quality is significantly lost.

The term megapixel refers to the pixel count. A pixel is one tiny square of the image. A digital image is made up of many small squares. A megapixel is 1 million of these squares or pixels.

Tutorial 1 - Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Information Technology (IT), also known as Information and Communication(s) Technology (ICT), is the production, storage and communication of information using computers and microelectronics.

Hanks, P. (ed). (1989) Collins Concise Dictionary. Glasgow: Bath Press

Technology has become very common place in our society. Even today the older generation that were not brought up around the new forms of technology may still be found using them. These days it is pretty much expected that everyone has certain pieces of technology such as cellphones.Technology that falls under the definition of Information Technology include such things as; computers, phones, i-pods, DVD's, Nintendo Wii's, satelites.

The IT devices that i feel comfortable and competent using are; cellphones, mp3 players, computers including systems such as the internet and email systems, televisions (although I don't watch much TV anymore) and DVD players.

IT is used considerably in the Occuaptional Therapy practice and it is continuing to grow. Email systems are vastly used to communicate between other team members, suppliers, clients and other industries. Mobile phones are often used, especially in community setting when therapists leave the building on home visits. It is a point of safety. Communication devices are used to interact with clients who my struggle to hear. Other technologies include equipment that have been designed to help clients, eg. hoists.

There are ethical implications around the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices such as mobile phones and systems such as the internet. Privacy is a major ethical implication. Information that is sent across such devices and systems can at any point be viewed by others if appropriate protection is not put in place. Accountability is another issue where information can be skewed by people. Anonymity can be good but also has it's negatives, such as on social networks where people can give a false identity.

Computer ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.

Retrieved March 02, 2009, from

Intellectual property is an umbrella term for various legal entitlements which attach to certain types of information, ideas or other intangibles in their expressed form. The holder of the entitlements get various rights in relation to the subject matter.

Retrieved March 02, 2009, from,

Social justice is a concept in society where "justice" is achieved in all avenues of society not just the 'law.' All individuals get fair treatment and just share of the benefits of society.

Retrieved March, 02, 2009, from

Informed consent is a legal condition where a person gives consent based on the understanding and appreciation for the facts and the implications of the action in which they are consenting for.

Retrieved March, 02, 2009, from

Having and understanding of ITC and ethical issues it encompasses will help us in our practice and daily lives because, technology is always advancing and is becoming more common place. Thus having that understanding is important as ITC is used a lot within the Occupational Therapy practice. Not only understanding about the technologies themselves but understanding the ethical issues is important in maintaining client's privacy and confidentiality.